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CAN108: Ion Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for Metabolomics Be the first to rate this application

ion chromatography with ms for metabolomics


Here, the author describes an ion-exchange system that provides good separation of the polar metabolities with on-line desalting to allow MS detection. This technique will allow studies of key metabolites that do not separate well on traditional reversed-phase columns. Some ionic metabolites may be positional isomers adjacent to each other in a synthetic pathway and as such, are isobaric. In such cases, MS is not sufficient to differentiate the two compounds. There is clearly a need for adequate separation techniques for isomeric metabolites.
Market: Metabolomics
Keywords: ADP, AMP, ATP, Pyruvate, dGTP, dCTP, dTTP, Citrate, Succinate, Isocitrate, IonPac AS11, 6-phosphogluconate, CAN108, FDP, Glyoxylate, Phosphoenol pyruvate, Robose 5-phosphate, Sedo-heptulose 7-phosphate, Tryptophan pathway, Amino acid metabolism
Matrix: Water
Author: Karl Burgess
Affiliation: Functional Genomics, Joesef Black building, Glasgow University, Glasgow, UK
Uploaded on 11/17/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.