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AppsLab Library of Analytical Applications!
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AppsLab Library: Find your Methods, eWorkflows and more
The AppsLab Library of Analytical Applications is a fully searchable online, analytical method repository where you can find applications with detailed method information, chromatograms and related compound information. | Discover the latest applications from Thermo Fisher Scientific for LC, IC, GC, GC-MS, LC-MS, ICP-MS, ICP-OES and DIA instruments. Search by compound, column, instrument or any other method parameter and view key method parameters. | Download one-click eWorkflows, created and tested by Thermo Fisher Scientific application scientists, which can be directly executed in your chromatography data system. |

All the information needed to run, process and report
the analysis is available in ready-to-use eWorkflows.

Automated SPE in the determination of PFAS
Automate solid-phase extraction (SPE) for PFAS in drinking water samples using the new Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ AutoTrace™ 280 PFAS. This instrument allows you to automate SPE for PFAS methods such as EPA 537 and 533. It eliminates the worry of background contamination from your sample prep and provides better recovery and reproducibility.