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AN243: Determination of Common Anions and Organic Acids Using Ion Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Be the first to rate this application

an243 determination common anions organic acids using ion chromatographymass spectrometry


This application note demonstrates the use of the IC-MS method for the determination of five common anions and three organic acids at parts per billion levels. With the use of very specific MS SIM detection, ppb level quantification can be performed with greater confidence on real world samples, such as bottled drinking water. The quantification results from MS were without prior sample preparation or employing preconcentration, which may be required with other detection methods.
Market: Water Analysis
Keywords: AN 243, Chloride, IC-MS, IonPac AS20, MSQ Plus, Phosphate, Pyruvic acid, RFIC, Sulfate, Tartaric acid, α-ketoglutaric acid, ICMS
Matrix: Water
Uploaded on 2/16/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.