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Displaying 1-5 of 104 results for Tag: Chloride
AN72481: Trace Anions by Single Pass AutoNeutralization and Ion Chromatography (IC): Anions in 5% NaOH
Instrument Type: ICTrace anions determinations in caustic solutions require high dilution to minimize column overload by the caustic sample. However, the high dilutions required prevent analysis of trace anionic contaminants. Here a single pass approach to neutralize the base sample is demonstrated using both suppressors run in recycle mode. The run time was reduced from 45 min in the previous version of this application, AN 93 using “Park and AutoNeutralize” to 12 min. This application is demonstrated on a 5% (w/w) sodium hydroxide sample. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
TN72206: Configuring the Dionex Modular HPIC System with an Inline Water Purifier and Inline Calibration for Trace Anion Determinations in Ultrapure Water: EWP Water Blank
Instrument Type: ICIn the electronics industry, ionic contamination in the range of parts per trillion (ppt, ng/L) to parts per billion (ppb) concentrations is a major concern, causing corrosion-related failures in production and final product. Ionic contamination is increasingly important as the devices decrease to size. This technical note demonstrates automated calibration and water purification on an ICS-5000+ HPIC dual IC system to minimize the system and environmental contamination which resulted in increased sensitivity to double-digit-ppt concentrations. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
TN72206: Configuring the Dionex Modular HPIC System with an Inline Water Purifier and Inline Calibration for Trace Anion Determinations in Ultrapure Water: 50 ppt Standard
Instrument Type: ICIn the electronics industry, ionic contamination, in the range of parts per trillion (ppt, ng/L) to parts per billion (ppb) concentrations, is a major concern causing corrosion-related failures in production and as a product. Ionic contamination is increasingly important as the devices decrease to size. This technical note demonstrates automated calibration and water purification on an ICS-5000+ HPIC dual IC system to minimize the system and environmental contamination which resulted in increased sensitivity to double-digit-ppt concentrations. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
AN1112: Determination of Anions in Breast Milk
Instrument Type: ICMSBreast milk is the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to eat and digest other foods, so there is a close correlation between breast milk quality and infant health. In addition to proteins and vitamins, the ionic elements such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and nitrate in breast milk also are important for infant health. However, consumption of breast milk that contains a high concentration of these ions could lead to health issues. IC is an efficient means to determine anions. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
AN1155: Determination of Chloride in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals
Instrument Type: ICThis application note shows an ion chromatography (IC) determination of chloride in 19 SPIFAN (AOAC Stakeholder Panel on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals) matrices. The results show that the method fulfills the SPIFAN standard method performance requirements (SMPRs). Repeatability, recovery, linearity, limit of detection, and limit of quantification were determined according to the chloride AOAC SMPR4 and AOAC Single Lab Validation guidelines. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.