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Displaying 1-5 of 8 results for Tag: MSQ Plus
AN360: Rapid Determination of Azo Dyes in Textiles Using ASE and HPLC with MS and UV Detection
Instrument Type: HPLCAzo dyes are used widely in the manufacture of various consumer goods such as leather, textiles, plastics, paper, hair care products, and cosmetics. The EU enacted European Parliament Directive 2006/61/EC, prohibiting the manufacture and sale of consumer goods containing certain aromatic amines originating from specific azo dyes. This application note describes methods for extraction of textile samples using ASE, along with the analytical methods for the determination of 22 aromatic amines, some of which are specified in the Parliament Directive.
Update of AN151: Determination of Perchlorate in a Drinking Water Sample Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSPerchlorate, an industrial contaminant from rockets, munitions, and fireworks, causes thyroid dysfunction in humans, especially pregnant women and children. In 2002, the EPA recommended a Provisional Reference Dose for perchlorate of 1 µg/L in drinking water. In 2015, California established a MCL of 6 µg/L with a Public Health Goal of 1 µg/L. IC-MS can provide lower detection limits (~ 30 ng/L) than conductivity in high-ionic-strength matrices using the MS selectivity at 99/101 m/z. Here we update AN151 with the Integrion IC system combined with the MSQ Plus mass spectrometer.
Update of AN151: Determination of 100 ppt Perchlorate MRL Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSPerchlorate, an industrial contaminant from rockets, munitions, and fireworks, causes thyroid dysfunction in humans, especially pregnant women and children. In 2002, the EPA recommended a Provisional Reference Dose for perchlorate of 1 µg/L in drinking water. In 2015, California established a MCL of 6 µg/L with a Public Health Goal of 1 µg/L. IC-MS can provide lower detection limits (~ 30 ng/L) than conductivity in high-ionic-strength matrices using the MS selectivity at 99/101 m/z. Here we update AN151 with the Integrion IC system combined with the MSQ Plus mass spectrometer.
Update of AN151: Determination of Perchlorate in High Salt Matrix Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSPerchlorate, an industrial contaminant from rockets, munitions, and fireworks, causes thyroid dysfunction in humans, especially pregnant women and children. In 2002, the EPA recommended a Provisional Reference Dose for perchlorate of 1 µg/L in drinking water. In 2015, California established a MCL of 6 µg/L with a Public Health Goal of 1 µg/L. IC-MS can provide lower detection limits (~ 30 ng/L) than conductivity in high-ionic-strength matrices using the MS selectivity at 99/101 m/z. Here we update Application Note AN151 with the Integrion IC system combined with the MSQ Plus mass spectrometer.
Simultaneous UHPLC/MS Analyses of Explosive Compounds
Instrument Type: LCMSWe describe an ultra high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (UHPLC/MS) method to efficiently separate, detect and quantitate all four classes of explosive compounds in soil samples, including eight nitroaromatics, two nitroamines, five nitrate esters and two peroxides. The explosives were separated on a Thermo Scientific Hypersil GOLD PFP, 1.9 µm, 2.1 x 100 mm column and detected by selected ion monitoring (SIM) on an Thermo Scientific MSQ Plus Mass Detector – a fast scanning, single-quadrupole mass spectrometer.