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Displaying 1-5 of 10 results for Tag: IonPac AS20
Update of AN151: Determination of Perchlorate in a Drinking Water Sample Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSPerchlorate, an industrial contaminant from rockets, munitions, and fireworks, causes thyroid dysfunction in humans, especially pregnant women and children. In 2002, the EPA recommended a Provisional Reference Dose for perchlorate of 1 µg/L in drinking water. In 2015, California established a MCL of 6 µg/L with a Public Health Goal of 1 µg/L. IC-MS can provide lower detection limits (~ 30 ng/L) than conductivity in high-ionic-strength matrices using the MS selectivity at 99/101 m/z. Here we update AN151 with the Integrion IC system combined with the MSQ Plus mass spectrometer.
Update of AN151: Determination of 100 ppt Perchlorate MRL Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSPerchlorate, an industrial contaminant from rockets, munitions, and fireworks, causes thyroid dysfunction in humans, especially pregnant women and children. In 2002, the EPA recommended a Provisional Reference Dose for perchlorate of 1 µg/L in drinking water. In 2015, California established a MCL of 6 µg/L with a Public Health Goal of 1 µg/L. IC-MS can provide lower detection limits (~ 30 ng/L) than conductivity in high-ionic-strength matrices using the MS selectivity at 99/101 m/z. Here we update AN151 with the Integrion IC system combined with the MSQ Plus mass spectrometer.
Update of AN151: Determination of Perchlorate in High Salt Matrix Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSPerchlorate, an industrial contaminant from rockets, munitions, and fireworks, causes thyroid dysfunction in humans, especially pregnant women and children. In 2002, the EPA recommended a Provisional Reference Dose for perchlorate of 1 µg/L in drinking water. In 2015, California established a MCL of 6 µg/L with a Public Health Goal of 1 µg/L. IC-MS can provide lower detection limits (~ 30 ng/L) than conductivity in high-ionic-strength matrices using the MS selectivity at 99/101 m/z. Here we update Application Note AN151 with the Integrion IC system combined with the MSQ Plus mass spectrometer.
AN1002: Determination of Tartaric Acid in Tolterodine Tartrate Drug Products by IC with Suppressed Conductivity Detection
Instrument Type: ICThis application demonstrates two faster IC methods that are accurate and reproducible for determination of tartrate in an encapsulated drug product containing the drug substance tolterodine tartrate which used to treat urinary incontinence caused by abnormal bladder contraction. Both methods use an electrolytic suppressor. The one shown here uses an electrolytically-generated potassium hydroxide eluent and IonPac AS20 column that requires only 10 min per analysis.
AN178: Improved Determination of Trace Concentrations of Perchlorate in Drinking Water Using Preconcentration with Two-Dimensional IC and Suppressed Conductivity Detection
Instrument Type: ICThis application note describes a two-dimensional system for determining trace concentrations of perchlorate in environmental waters. The method resulted in an improvement to the existing EPA Methods 314.0 and 314.1 by providing lower detection limits and improved precision and recovery of perchlorate fortified in different sample matrices. In addition, samples can be injected directly without the need for sample preparation, a sample rinse step with sodium hydroxide, and the addition of matrix ions to the standards and samples.