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Displaying 1-5 of 23 results for Tag: IonPac AS16
AN356: Determination of Perchlorate in Vegetation Samples Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction and Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThis application note provides the details of using accelerated solvent extraction for the determination of perchlorate in soil, milk, and several plant matrices. The method provides a rapid means of extracting perchlorate from all of the aforementioned matrices using only water as an extraction solvent. The benefits of this method are simplicity, speed of analysis, and automation. Accelerated solvent extraction allows the rapid extraction and in-line cleanup of a large number of samples with minimal labor.
Instrument Type: IC硫氰酸是无色、易挥发、有强烈气味的强酸性液体,略有毒性。硫氰 酸稀溶液稳定,如加热或与氢硫酸及无机酸作用,可分解成为氰化物,有剧 毒。硫氰酸盐是致甲状腺肿物质, 可阻滞甲状腺激素合成,引起甲状腺肿。 有文献研究发现加入微量的硫氰酸盐和过氧化氢(分别约为12和8.5 mg/L), 会在牛奶中获得较好的抗菌的乳过氧化物酶(LP)体系活动,可作为一种可 靠的方法用于保存冷却过的或未冷却过的生奶。卫生部在禁止使用的添加剂 名录中规定:硫氰酸根不可以作为乳及液态奶的添加剂。本研究建立了测定 液态奶中硫氰酸根的离子色谱法,方法简便、快速,实用性强,回收率好, 检测结果稳定可靠。
Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis record shows that AU148 can be run using an Integrion Ion Chromatography. AU148 demonstrates an approved approach for the determination of perchlorate in environmental water samples according to U.S.EPA Method 314.0. This record used an Integrion ion chromatography system with a 4 mm Dionex IonPac AS16 column, eluent generation to produce the KOH eluent, a 1000 μL injection, and suppressed conductivity detection to determine single digit parts per billion concentrations of perchlorate in drinking water.
TN62: Reducing Carbonate Interference in Anion Determinations with the Carbonate Removal Device (CRD): 5 ppb Perchlorate in 500 mg/L Carbonate, Chloride, and Sulfate Matrix
Instrument Type: ICCarbonate can interfere with accurate quantification of adjoining anions, such as sulfate and perchlorate. Perchlorate is a highly regulated contaminant (EPA Method 314) because of the health risks to pregnant women and prenatal and developing children. Here we show the efficient removal of the carbonate peak from a synthetic high ionic water sample using the Dionex CRD 200 device. In this example, the high ionic water matrix contains: 5 ppb perchlorate in 500 mg/L each of carbonate, sulfate and chloride.
TN62: Reducing Carbonate Interference in Anion Determinations with the Carbonate Removal Device (CRD): Perchlorate in Drinking Water
Instrument Type: ICCarbonate can interfere with accurate quantification of adjoining anions, such as perchlorate and sulfate. Perchlorate is a highly regulated contaminate because of the health risks to pregnant women, prenatal and developing children. Here we show the efficient removal of the carbonate peak from a synthetic high ionic water sample using the Dionex CRD 200 device. In this example, the high ionic water matrix contains: 5 ppb perchlorate in a Sunnyvale drinking water sample.