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Displaying 1-5 of 11 results for Tag: High Resolution
Essential Lipidomics Experiments Using the LTQ Orbitrap Hybrid Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: LCMSMSWe tested the performance of a novel mass spectrometer, the Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap, in a multitude of different applications in the field of lipidomics. The experiments presented here take advantage of the LTQ Orbitrap capabilities of multiple stage fragmentation, high resolution and mass accuracy to solve challenges of quantitating isomeric glycerophospholipids, resolving isobaric species, and elucidating fragmentation pathways and compositional assignment of various lipid species.
The Thermo Scientific Exactive Benchtop LC-MS Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: LCMSThe combination of Orbitrap technology with a linear ion trap has become an established platform for high resolution, accurate mass LC-MSn analysis. The high resolving power, mass accuracy and dynamic range of the Orbitrap analyzer allow rigorous characterization of complex mixtures even in the absence of precursor ion mass selection. We now describe the development of a non-hybrid mass spectrometer comprising of an atmospheric-pressure ion source (API) and a standalone Orbitrap mass analyzer.
Non-targeted Screening and Accurate Mass Confirmation of 510 Pesticides on the High Resolution Exactive Benchtop LC/MS Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: LCMSAs agricultural trade grows and food safety concerns mount, stricter pesticide regulations are being enforced around the world. Increased pesticide testing and reductions in maximum permissible residue levels have driven demand for fast, sensitive and cost-effective analytical methods for high-throughput screening of multi-class pesticides in food. Detection of 510 pesticides at low ppb levels was achieved within 12 minutes using the Thermo Scientific Exactive benchtop LC/MS system powered by Orbitrap technology.
Analysis of Nine N-Nitrosamines Using Liquid Chromatography-High-Resolution, Accurate-Mass Mass Spectrometry
Instrument Type: LCMSN-nitrosamines present high mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. They or their precursors occur in a wide variety of foods and natural and manufactured products. An analysis method for nine N-nitrosamines based on ultra-high performance liquid chromatography combined with high-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry is presented here.
Full-Scan Fragmentation Options for the Detection of Food Contaminants by an Affordable LC-Q-Orbitrap MS
Instrument Type: LCMSThe analysis of food toxicants is challenging because of the high number of substances that need to be analyzed. Pesticides alone account for over 800 analytes including other types of toxicants such as mycotoxins, plant toxins and/or veterinary drugs. The use of liquid chromatography with full-scan, high-resolution accurate mass spectrometry (HRAM) as an alternative is gaining in popularity. We compare two different scan options of a quadrupole-Orbitrap system, both offering full mass range fragmentation techniques, and to optimize performance in terms of sensitivity and selectivity