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Full-Scan Fragmentation Options for the Detection of Food Contaminants by an Affordable LC-Q-Orbitrap MS Be the first to rate this application

fullscan fragmentation options for detection food contaminants by an affordable lcqorbitrap ms


The analysis of food toxicants is challenging because of the high number of substances that need to be analyzed. Pesticides alone account for over 800 analytes including other types of toxicants such as mycotoxins, plant toxins and/or veterinary drugs. The use of liquid chromatography with full-scan, high-resolution accurate mass spectrometry (HRAM) as an alternative is gaining in popularity. We compare two different scan options of a quadrupole-Orbitrap system, both offering full mass range fragmentation techniques, and to optimize performance in terms of sensitivity and selectivity
Market: Food and Beverage
Keywords: High resolution, Selectivity, sensitivity, Q Exactive Focus MS, Pesticides analysis, data independent acquisition (vDIA), mycotoxin analysis, Veterinary drugs analysis
Matrix: Foods
Author: Paul Zomer, Hans Mol, Olaf Scheibner, Maciej Bromirski
Affiliation: RIKILT Wageningen UR - The Netherlands; Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 3/14/2016.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.