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AN172: Determination of Azide in Aqueous Samples by Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity Detection Be the first to rate this application

an172 determination azide aqueous samples by ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection


This application note describes how to routinely monitor for azide anion in aqueous samples including water, food products, bodily fluids, and biological buffers by using a Reagent-Free™ IC (RFIC™) system. The azide anion is determined in 35 min by using a 4-mm IonPac AS15 column, isocratic potassium hydroxide provided automatically by an eluent generator, and suppressed conductivity detection. The IC method allows direct injection of the sample, avoiding laborious derivatization or sample preparation, and is highly sensitive, providing a detection limit for azide in reagent water of 50 μg/L.
Market: Other
Keywords: airbag, automobile, hospital preservative, IonPac AG15, OSHA ID-211, pest control, RFIC, sodium azide
Matrix: Black tea, Green tea, Orange juice, PBS, Plasma, Urine, Water
Uploaded on 1/26/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.