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AN137: Determination of Trace Anions in High-Nitrate Matrices by Ion Chromatography. Be the first to rate this application

anions high nitrate samples


A direct injection method has been developed to address the need to determine trace anions in samples containing high concentrations of nitrate ion using a microbore IonPac AS15 column. Conditions are optimized for sensitive determination of anions at trace levels with the EG40 Eluent Generator. This application note describes the theoretical background, setup, and analytical procedure for a method to determine chloride, sulfate, and phosphate to low-µg/L (ppb) levels in 0.7% (v/v) nitric acid and other matrices that contain high concentrations of nitrate ion.
Market: Chemical
Keywords: Dionex DX-600 Ion Chromatography System, EG40 Eluent Generator, External Water Mode, Gas-assisted recycle mode., IonPac AS15 column, Nitric acid, Reagent Free Ion Chromatography (RFIC)
Matrix: High nitrate matrix
Author: Edward Kaiser and Jeff Rohrer
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 1/20/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.