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Displaying 1-5 of 6 results for Tag: trace anion
Trace Anion Analysis in Ultrapure Water Using an Electrolytic Water Purifier with a Compact Ion Chromatography System: Water Blank
Instrument Type: ICDeterminations of trace anions in ultrapure water are important to the electronics industry. In this record, determinations of ng/L (ppt) anions using large volume concentration are made possible by the Electrolytic Water Purifier(EWP) and AutoPrep modules. Calibration standards are prepared using the AutoPrep large and small loops and EWP-purified water diluent, thereby increasing sensitivity by eliminating sources of contamination. The trace anions are separated on an IonPac AS17-C column designed to improve low level sulfate determinations using a Dionex Integrion compact IC system.
Trace Anion Analysis in Ultrapure Water Using an Electrolytic Water Purifier with a Compact Ion Chromatography System: 50 ppt Standard
Instrument Type: ICDeterminations of trace anions in ultrapure water are important to the electronics industry. In this record, determinations of ng/L (ppt) anions using large volume concentration are made possible by the Electrolytic Water Purifier(EWP) and AutoPrep modules. Calibration standards are prepared using the AutoPrep large and small loops and EWP-purified water diluent, thereby increasing sensitivity by eliminating sources of contamination. The trace anions are separated on an IonPac AS17-C column designed to improve low level sulfate determinations using a Dionex Integrion compact IC system.
TN113: Practical Guidance for Using Capillary Anion Chromatography - Concentrate Mode
Instrument Type: ICConfiguring a capillary IC system for trace analysis is discussed in this technical note, TN113. Tips and tricks for trace anion analysis for ion chromatography (IC) systems and capillary IC systems are discussed. Data is also shown for concentrating and direct injection of a large volume injection. This example demonstrates anion determinations by concentrating 200 uL of sample.
AN85: Determination of Trace Anions in (N-Methylpyrrolidone) Organic Solvents
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of trace anionic contamination in processing solvents (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), isopropyl alcohol, and acetone) is important to the electronics industries to minimize corrosion. Here matrix elimination is used to retain and concentrate µg/L anionic contamination in a 5 mL NMP sample onto a concentrator column. NMP is flushed to waste (5 min) with purified deionized water (10 mL). Trace anions are eluted from the concentrator and separated on IonPac AS9-HC column using 8 mM carbonate, 1.5 mM NaOH eluent. AU163 updates AN85 with < 0.2 ug/L lower detection limits.
AN166: Application of Eluent Generation for Trace AnionAnalysis of Borated Waters
Instrument Type: ICBoron as boric acid is used to control the nuclear reaction in pressurized water reactors because of its strong neutron-absorbing characteristics. To prevent corrosion, anionic contamination is monitored. Here sub-ppb concentrations of inorganic anions are determined in borated waters (<7500 mg/L boron) by large volume, direct injection using a tetraborate gradient on IonPac AS14 column. The tetraborate eluent is automatically generated inline by titrating 50 mM boric acid with electrolytically generated KOH. This is an improvement over using manually prepared solutions (AU102, AU191).