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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for Tag: saline
AN269: Identification and Quantification at ppb Levels of Common Cations and Amines by IC-MS
Instrument Type: ICMSThe work shown here demonstrates the use of IC-MS for the determination of six commonly found cations and selected amines on an IonPac CS12A-5µm column. Confirmatory information was obtained using full-scan MS spectra showing positively charged cation species and characteristic adduct patterns. Quantification was achieved using selected ion monitoring (SIM) acquisitions for each target analyte.
AN263: Sensitive and Fast Determination of Endothall in Saline Water Sample by IC-MS/MS
Instrument Type: ICMSEndothall, a widely used herbicide for both terrestrial and aquatic weeds, is a regulated contaminant for drinking water having a California Public Health Goal of 580 ppb. Here trace-level endothall in a saline water sample was determined directly without labor-intensive sample preparation by IC-MS-MS. The MS/MS instrument was operated in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode, requiring minimal sample cleanup and ensuring highly sensitive (low ppb) and selective quantitation. Isotope labeled glutaric acid (glutaric acid–d6) was used as an internal standard to ensure quantitation accuracy.
TN130: Fast Determinations of Inorganic Cations in Salton Sea Samples Using a High-Pressure IC System
Instrument Type: ICMonitoring salinity levels in estuarine ecosystems is critical to preventing salinity-specific diseases, especially in a saline lake, such as the Salton Sea with higher salt content than the ocean. This inland sea is being monitored for reclamation efforts. This application demonstrates fast cation analysis of high saline samples, such as the Salton Sea, using a high pressure IC system and 3 mm fast separation columns. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
TN130: Fast Determinations of Inorganic Anions in Salton Sea Samples Using a High-Pressure IC System
Instrument Type: ICMonitoring salinity levels in estuarine ecosystems is critical to preventing salinity-specific diseases, especially in a saline lake, such as the Salton Sea with higher salt content than the ocean. This inland sea is being monitored for reclamation efforts. This application demonstrates fast anion and cation analysis of high saline samples, such as the Salton Sea, using a high pressure IC system and 2 mm fast separation columns. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
AN239: Determination of Iodide in Seawater and Other Saline Matrices Using a Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography System with Suppressed Conductivity and UV Detections
Instrument Type: ICIn this application note (AN), a Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ RFIC-EG™ system with UV detection is used to determine iodide in seawater, synthetic sea salt, and iodized table salt. Iodide is separated from other matrix anions on the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS20 column, which is a high-capacity column designed for the separation of polarizable anions. The unique selectivity of this column makes it ideal for separating hydrophobic anions in matrices with high concentrations of chloride, sulfate, and carbonate.