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Displaying 1-5 of 8 results for Tag: eluent generation
CAN77204: Determination of Formic and Acetic Acids in Petroleum Products by Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICOrganic acids in crude oil, fuel, etc., are one of the biggest concerns of the oil, oil refining, and car manufacturing industries. Because of their corrosive properties and the associated costs of corrosion, organic acids have become a topic of great industrial interest. Ion chromatography (IC) can be used for the determination of low molecular weight organic acids in aqueous or water-miscible matrices. This application note summarizes the use and evaluation of an automated IC method for the direct determination of acetate and formate in diesel, oil, and diesel/oil mixtures.
AU72197 : Determination of Tobramycin Using HPAE-IPAD on a Compact IC System: 20 µM tobramycin
Instrument Type: ICTobramycin is an important aminoglycoside antibiotic used in ophthalmic and intravenous treatments to treat bacterial infections by blocking protein synthesis.[1] Determinations of tobramycin, kanamycin and other aminoglycoside antibiotics have been previously demonstrated by HPAE-IPAD since 2004.[2–6] This document updates Thermo Scientific™ Application Note 61 using a highpressure-capable Dionex Integrion HPIC system equipped with updated EG technology and an electrochemical detector.
AU142: Improved Determination of Trace Anions in High Purity Waters by High-Volume Direct Injection
Instrument Type: ICThis document describes the use of the EG40 potassium hydroxide (KOH) eluent generator with the IonPac AS15-5µm column for trace anion analysis. The EG40 generates high-purity and carbonate-free hydroxide eluents on-line to improve the method performance for determination of target analytes at trace levels. The high-volume direct injection technique is used to achieve sensitive detection at sub-µg/L levels. The analytes are detected by suppressed conductivity with a 2-mm ASRS-ULTRA operated in the Gas Assisted Recycle mode. This Update expands on work presented in Dionex Technical Note 48.
AN186: Analysis of Paromomycin by HPAE-IPAD
Instrument Type: ICParomomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic produced by Streptomyces rimosus var. paromomycinus. This Application Note demonstrates the use of an electrolytically generated potassium hydroxide eluent combined with the CarboPac PA1 anion-exchange column and IPAD using a disposable AAA Au working electrode for the determination of paromomycin in a bulk pharmaceutical formulation.
AN66: Determination of Neomycin B and Impurities Using HPAE-IPAD
Instrument Type: ICIn this application note, we combine the CarboPac PA1, an eluent generator with CR-ATC, and disposable Au working electrodes to demonstrate an improved HPAE-PAD technology for Neomycin B purity analysis and its determination in Neosporin topical ointment, a complex over-the-counter pharmaceutical formulation.