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Displaying 1-5 of 42 results for Tag: Tablet
USP Monograph: Content of flavonol glycosides in ginkgo tablets using C18 HPLC column
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 LC system is applied for the content of flavonol glycosides in ginkgo tablets. The separation was performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim 120 C18 HPLC column using the method described in the USP 38 monograph.The system suitability parameters met the criteria stated in the USP.
AU164: Determination of Glucosamine in Chondroitin Sulfate-Containing Dietary Supplements Using HPAE-PAD
Instrument Type: ICGlucosamine (GlcN), a major structural component of glycosaminoglycan compounds, and chondroitin sulfate (CS), a glycosaminoglycan, are involved in normal joint function and are sold as dietary supplements for joint health. Accurate determinations of GlcN in dietary supplements by HPAE-PAD were reported in AN197. In AN197 the dietary supplements analyzed did not contain CS, a polyanionic polysaccharide that has the potential to overload the column and compromise GlcN determinations. This application update extends the determination of GlcN to dietary supplements containing CS.
AN2967: Implementation of a Walk-Up High-Pressure Capillary Ion Chromatograph for the Fast Separation of Pharmaceutical Relevant Inorganic Cations (pain relief tablet)
Instrument Type: ICThe counter ion impacts the API drug’s efficacy, solubility, and toxicity, and therefore counter ion determinations are important to pharmaceutical companies during all stages of product development and as part of product quality monitoring. In this example, the sodium counter ion is determined in a water extract of a pharmaceutical drug tablet designed for pain relief. Here fast sodium determinations were demonstrated on an IonPac CS12A-8µm capillary column using a walk-up high pressure capillary IC system.
AN2967: Implementation of a Walk-Up High-Pressure Capillary Ion Chromatograph for the Fast Separation of Pharmaceutical Relevant Inorganic Anions (diabetes tablet)
Instrument Type: ICThe counter ion impacts the API drug’s efficacy, solubility, and toxicity, and therefore counter ion determinations are important to pharmaceutical companies during all stages of product development and as part of product quality monitoring. In this example, the chloride counter ion is determined in a water extract of a pharmaceutical drug tablet designed to treat Type II diabetes patients. Here fast chloride determinations were demonstrated on an IonPac AS19 capillary column using a walk-up high pressure capillary IC system.
AN2967: Implementation of a Walk-Up High-Pressure Capillary Ion Chromatograph for the Fast Separation of Pharmaceutical Relevant Inorganic Cations (Cholesterol tablet)
Instrument Type: ICThe counter ion impacts the API drug’s efficacy, solubility, and toxicity, and therefore counter ion determinations are important to pharmaceutical companies during all stages of product development and as part of product quality monitoring. In this example, the calcium counter ion is determined in a water extract of a pharmaceutical drug tablet designed to treat high cholesterol serum levels. Here fast calcium determinations were demonstrated on IonPac CS12A-8µm capillary column using a walk-up high pressure capillary IC system.