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Displaying 1-5 of 8 results for Tag: Proteomics
Determination of Meat Authenticity Using a Comprehensive Targeted Proteomic Strategy and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Instrument Type: LCMSWe present a summary of a sensitive and robust HRAM LC-MS method using a Thermo Scientific Q Exactive mass spectrometer for the identification and detection of marker proteins in raw meat samples. Four proteotypic peptides were used to perform accurate meat speciation and authenticity. Myoglobin tryptic peptides from each species were detected with an observed m/z below 1.3 ppm. This targeted method allowed for the detection of undesired meat species down to 1% (w/w) of the entire sample.
AU152: An Improved Gradient Method for the AAA-Direct™ Separation of Amino Acids and Carbohydrates in Complex Sample Matrices
Instrument Type: ICIn this Application Update, we combine into a single method individual improvements made to the standard AAA-Direct gradient program. These individual improvements are now in the AAA-Direct manual. This update shows that such combined changes to the AAA-Direct method improve the performance of our previously published method. This new method successfully determines amino acids in yeast extract-peptone-dextrose yeast culture medium (YPD Broth), and Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s (with F-12), M199, L-15 (Leibovitz), and McCoy’s 5A media for mammalian cell culture.
TN55: Screening of Sample Matrices and Individual Matrix Ingredients for Suitability in AAA-Direct
Instrument Type: ICIn this technical note, we describe a procedure to screen sample matrices for their effect on peak area, peak height, and retention time. We demonstrate this procedure by testing ethanol for possible interferences in AAA-Direct. However, the method described here can also be used to evaluate any matrix component analyzed by chromatography with electrochemical detection. In this technical note, we use the term test sample (TS) to describe the specific test compound evaluated for possible interferences.
AN163: Determination of Protein Concentrations Using AAA-Direct.
Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)In this application note, we describe a method to determine total protein using AAA-Direct. We used this method to participate in an Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) Amino Acid Analysis Research Group collaborative study that compared total protein determinations using AAA to dye-binding assays. We found that concentrations of all five protein solutions determined by AAA-Direct were equivalent to the determinations made by participants that used either pre- or postcolumn derivatization methods.
Improved analysis of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein digest on a Thermo Scientific Accucore 150-C18 150 Å pore diameter nanoLC column
Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)The Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 RSLCnano LC system is applied for the analysis of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein digest. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Accucore 150-C18 150 Å pore diameter nanoLC Column, with MS detection.