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Displaying 1-5 of 22 results for Tag: Petrochem

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Determination of Chloride and Sulfate in Crude Oil by Combustion Ion Chromatography

Instrument Type: IC

In this application, crude oil was combusted in the Mitsubishi AQF-2100H system and then analyzed using a Dionex Integrion Ion Chromatography system to determine chloride and sulfate with a Dionex IonPac AS28-4µm anion exchange column. In the chromatogram shown, the chloride concentration was ~17 ppm and sulfate was ~3000 ppm.

AN1161: Improved Method for Determination of Biofuel Sugars by HPAE-PAD

Instrument Type: IC

The current work updates the system used for the carbohydrate analysis in AN1089. The new system combines flexibility and ease-of-use with high sensitivity and selectivity, bringing a higher level of convenience and cost effectiveness to simple sugar analysis. The method proposed here separates eight common carbohydrate sugars in less than eight minutes. The shorter run time results in better process economics. Using this method, carbohydrates present in 10 individual biofuel samples were quantified.

Determination of Halogens and Sulfate in Liquid Petroleum Gas Using Combustion Ion Chromatography

Instrument Type: IC

In this application, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) samples were combusted in the Mitsubishi AQF-2100H system and then fluoride, chloride, and sulfate were determined using the Dionex ICS-2100 Ion Chromatography system with a Dionex IonPac AS15 anion-exchange column set.

阀切换技术-离子色谱法测定生物燃油 中的无机阴离子

Instrument Type: IC

原油是全球最主要的一次能源,当前能源短缺的实质是原油短缺。车用 燃料是原油最主要的应用领域,占全球原油总消耗量的70%以上。长期高居 不下的油价引发了各界对可再生能源的热烈讨论,其中生物燃油的发展前景 最为看好,甲醇汽油正是一种“以煤代油”的路径,可以作为汽油的替代物 从而实现对原油的部分替代。甲醇汽油是在现有的汽油中加入15%甲醇及 10%~15%稳定剂,可调合成93#、95#或97#车用甲醇汽油,其常规排放 低于常用汽油,非常规排放在现有技术下可以达到甚至超过常用汽油排放水 平,尤其是使用甲醇汽油不需对汽车发动机做改造,这一优势被视为推广甲 醇汽油最方便的途径。 优质的生物燃油,对其中的杂质如无机盐的含量要求十分严格,因此有 必要建立一种简便、灵敏、准确的测定甲醇汽油中无机盐的方法。离子色谱 法是测定无机阴阳离子的理想方法,但甲醇汽油基体复杂,不能直接进入色 谱柱。本文建立了一种利用阀切换技术,直接进样在线前处理消除基体干 扰,离子色谱法测定甲醇汽油中氯离子和硫酸根离子的分析方法,取得了令 人满意的结果。


Instrument Type: IC

本文参照ASTM D7328对变性乙醇燃料样品进行前处理后,选用高容量 IonPac AS22高效阴离子交换分离柱完成了样品中痕量游离氯化物和硫酸盐及 总硫的含量测定。方法选择性较好,氯离子和硫酸盐的分离不受样品基质的 影响,其定量结果更加准确。