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Displaying 1-5 of 17 results for Tag: Perchlorate
AN356: Determination of Perchlorate in Vegetation Samples Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction and Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThis application note provides the details of using accelerated solvent extraction for the determination of perchlorate in soil, milk, and several plant matrices. The method provides a rapid means of extracting perchlorate from all of the aforementioned matrices using only water as an extraction solvent. The benefits of this method are simplicity, speed of analysis, and automation. Accelerated solvent extraction allows the rapid extraction and in-line cleanup of a large number of samples with minimal labor.
Update of AN151: Determination of Perchlorate in a Drinking Water Sample Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSPerchlorate, an industrial contaminant from rockets, munitions, and fireworks, causes thyroid dysfunction in humans, especially pregnant women and children. In 2002, the EPA recommended a Provisional Reference Dose for perchlorate of 1 µg/L in drinking water. In 2015, California established a MCL of 6 µg/L with a Public Health Goal of 1 µg/L. IC-MS can provide lower detection limits (~ 30 ng/L) than conductivity in high-ionic-strength matrices using the MS selectivity at 99/101 m/z. Here we update AN151 with the Integrion IC system combined with the MSQ Plus mass spectrometer.
Update of AN151: Determination of 100 ppt Perchlorate MRL Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSPerchlorate, an industrial contaminant from rockets, munitions, and fireworks, causes thyroid dysfunction in humans, especially pregnant women and children. In 2002, the EPA recommended a Provisional Reference Dose for perchlorate of 1 µg/L in drinking water. In 2015, California established a MCL of 6 µg/L with a Public Health Goal of 1 µg/L. IC-MS can provide lower detection limits (~ 30 ng/L) than conductivity in high-ionic-strength matrices using the MS selectivity at 99/101 m/z. Here we update AN151 with the Integrion IC system combined with the MSQ Plus mass spectrometer.
TN62: Reducing Carbonate Interference in Anion Determinations with the Carbonate Removal Device (CRD): 5 ppb Perchlorate in 500 mg/L Carbonate, Chloride, and Sulfate Matrix
Instrument Type: ICCarbonate can interfere with accurate quantification of adjoining anions, such as sulfate and perchlorate. Perchlorate is a highly regulated contaminant (EPA Method 314) because of the health risks to pregnant women and prenatal and developing children. Here we show the efficient removal of the carbonate peak from a synthetic high ionic water sample using the Dionex CRD 200 device. In this example, the high ionic water matrix contains: 5 ppb perchlorate in 500 mg/L each of carbonate, sulfate and chloride.
TN62: Reducing Carbonate Interference in Anion Determinations with the Carbonate Removal Device (CRD): Perchlorate in Drinking Water
Instrument Type: ICCarbonate can interfere with accurate quantification of adjoining anions, such as perchlorate and sulfate. Perchlorate is a highly regulated contaminate because of the health risks to pregnant women, prenatal and developing children. Here we show the efficient removal of the carbonate peak from a synthetic high ionic water sample using the Dionex CRD 200 device. In this example, the high ionic water matrix contains: 5 ppb perchlorate in a Sunnyvale drinking water sample.