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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for Tag: Online sample preparation
CAN77204: Determination of Formic and Acetic Acids in Petroleum Products by Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICOrganic acids in crude oil, fuel, etc., are one of the biggest concerns of the oil, oil refining, and car manufacturing industries. Because of their corrosive properties and the associated costs of corrosion, organic acids have become a topic of great industrial interest. Ion chromatography (IC) can be used for the determination of low molecular weight organic acids in aqueous or water-miscible matrices. This application note summarizes the use and evaluation of an automated IC method for the direct determination of acetate and formate in diesel, oil, and diesel/oil mixtures.
AU139: Determination of an Anionic Fluorochemical Surfactant (FC-95) in a Steel Bath
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Update describes a method for determining low ppm amounts of FC-95 in a steel bath (concentrated hydrofluoric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids with 200 g/L each of iron, chromium, and nickel) by ion chromatography. The method described in this Update is similar to that described in AN 119. The surfactant is removed from the acidic matrix and concentrated on an IonPac® NG1 column. The concentrated surfactant is then eluted from the IonPac NG1 column onto an OmniPac PAX-500 column set and detected by suppressed conductivity.
AN119: Determination of an Anionic Fluorochemical Surfactant in a Semiconductor Etch Bath
Instrument Type: ICThis AN describes the techniques, instrumentation, and method for determining low mg/L (ppm) amounts of the fluorochemical surfactant FC-93 in an etch bath (1 part hydrofluoric acid/6 parts ammonium fluoride) by IC. The surfactant is removed from the HF matrix by passing the sample through an IonPac NG1 column. The IonPac NG1 is a polymeric, reversed-phase column that quantitatively retains the surfactant but does not retain inorganic anions. The concentrated surfactant is then eluted from the IonPac NG1 onto an OmniPac PAX-500 column set and detected by chemically-suppressed conductivity.
AN170: Determination of Silicate in High-Purity Water Using Ion Chromatography and Online Sample Preparation.
Instrument Type: ICThe water used in the manufacture of semiconductors and other electronic components must be extremely pure, referred to as ultra high-purity water (UHPW). The production of UHPW includes deionization to remove corrosive strong acid anions. Deionization cartridges exhaust their capacity over time. To ensure the early recognition of cartridge depletion, silicate must be detected at concentrations lower than 1 μg/L. These low detections limits can be achieved by pre concentrating UHPW on a Dionex IonPac AG4A-SC column, then separating the concentrated sample on a Dionex IonPac AS17 column set.