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Displaying 1-5 of 9 results for Tag: Juice
Detection of Mycotoxins in Corn Meal Extract Using Automated Online Sample Preparation with LC-MS/MS
Instrument Type: LCMSMSMethyl 2-benzimidazole carbamate, most commonly known as carbendazim, is a widely used broad-spectrum benzimidazole fungicide and a decomposition product of benomyl. Carbendazim is used to control plant diseases in cereals and fruit, including citrus, bananas, strawberries, pineapples, and pome fruits. We describe a method that is an adaptation of an existing online, multi-residue pesticide method (Thermo Scientific Method 522133) proven and verified specially for the actual carbendazim contamination issue of orange juices in the US.
Determination of Carbendazim and Benomyl Residues in Oranges and Orange Juice by Automated Online Sample Preparation Using TLX-LC-MS/MS
Instrument Type: LCMSMSMethyl 2-benzimidazole carbamate, most commonly known as carbendazim, is a widely used broad-spectrum benzimidazole fungicide and a decomposition product of benomyl. Carbendazim is used to control plant diseases in cereals and fruit, including citrus, bananas, strawberries, pineapples, and pome fruits. We describe a method that is an adaptation of an existing online, multi-residue pesticide method (Thermo Scientific Method 522133) proven and verified specially for the actual carbendazim contamination issue of orange juices in the US.
Determination of Sugars in Fruit Juice Using a Compact IC System
Instrument Type: ICExcess sugar consumption is tied to poor health outcomes. Nutritional information, including sugar amount, is required in the Nutrition Facts Label for all pre-packaged foods and drinks by the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act. A high-performance anion exchange method with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE-PAD) was developed to accurately determine the sugar concentrations. This record shows the determination of sugars in fruit juices using the Thermo Scientific Dionex Integrion system. This system allows fast determination of sugars with no eluent preparation or sample derivatization.
AB117: Determination of Cations in Fruit Juices
Instrument Type: ICDetermining cations, such as potassium, sodium, and calcium, in fruit juices is important due to the dietary significance of such cations. A simple Ion chromatography (IC) method to determine cations in fruit juices requires only a 1:100 dilution followed by injection. This method use 2 mm diameter IonPac CS12A column and provides results for multiple ions in a 5 min analysis.
AN87: Determination of Sugar Alcohols in Confections and Fruit Juices by HPAE-PAD
Instrument Type: ICSugar alcohols are used in confectionary products because they impart a sweet taste without the calories associated with sugars. Their use in foods is regulated due to their laxative and diuretic properties. This application note uses the Dionex CarboPac MA1 column and pulsed amperometric detection to determine sugar alcohols without the need for derivitization or postcolumn reagents.