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Displaying 1-5 of 6 results for Tag: EPA 314.0
Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis record shows that AU148 can be run using an Integrion Ion Chromatography. AU148 demonstrates an approved approach for the determination of perchlorate in environmental water samples according to U.S.EPA Method 314.0. This record used an Integrion ion chromatography system with a 4 mm Dionex IonPac AS16 column, eluent generation to produce the KOH eluent, a 1000 μL injection, and suppressed conductivity detection to determine single digit parts per billion concentrations of perchlorate in drinking water.
AU145: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water by Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICIn this updated method, the perchlorate anion is determined in 15 min by using a 2 mm Dionex IonPac AS16 column, EG50-generated hydroxide eluent, a 1000 μL injection, and suppressed conductivity detector. The resulting single-operator method detection limit (MDL) for perchlorate in a simulated high-ionic-strength water sample was 0.10 μg/L after sample preparation.
AU148: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water Using Reagent-Free™ Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThis application update describes the determination of perchlorate using the procedure outlined in EPA Method 314.0. This application used an integrated ion chromatography system with a 4 mm Dionex IonPac AS16 column, a Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ EluGen™ EGC II KOH cartridge, a 1000 µL injection, and suppressed conductivity detection with a Dionex ASRS ULTRA II operated in external water mode.
AN1136: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water using a Microbore Reagent Free Ion Chromatography System (Part A)
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note expands the scope of the EPA Method 314.0 to the 2-mm column format. It evaluates and describes the linear range and initial demonstration of capability. Initial demonstration of capability includes determination of method accuracy, precision, detection limit (MDL), and matrix conductivity threshold (MCT). This document also describes perchlorate recovery in field samples. Overall, the results presented here meet or exceed the performance requirements specified in U.S. EPA Method 314.0. (This part has an one-click workflow for ICS2100 and AS-AP Autosampler)
AN1136: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water using a Microbore Reagent Free Ion Chromatography System (Part B)
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note expands the scope of the EPA Method 314.0 to the 2-mm column format. It evaluates and describes the linear range and initial demonstration of capability. Initial demonstration of capability includes determination of method accuracy, precision, detection limit (MDL), and matrix conductivity threshold (MCT). This document also describes perchlorate recovery in field samples. Overall, the results presented here meet or exceed the performance requirements specified in U.S. EPA Method 314.0. (This part has an one-click workflow for ICS2100 and AS-DV Autosampler)