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AN000280: Determination of Sugars in Foods using HPAE-PAD in Dual Eluent Generation Cartridge Mode

Instrument Type: IC

In this document we demonstrate that AOAC 2018.16, a first action method for sugars determination in foods, can be executed with a Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA20-1 mm column using KOH/KMSA eluent produced electrolytically. using Dual Eluent Generation Cartridge (Dual EGC) mode

AN73986: Determination of Trans-Galactooligosaccharides in Foods using HPAE-PAD in Dual Eluent Generation Cartridge Mode

Instrument Type: IC

To demonstrate that AOAC Method 2001.02 for Trans-Galactooligosaccharides (TGOS) determination in foods can be executed with a Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA1-1mm column using KOH/KMSA eluent produced electrolytically using Dual Eluent Generation Cartridge (Dual EGC) mode.

AN73341: Determination of Sugars in Dairy Products using HPAE-PAD

Instrument Type: IC

This application notes demonstrates that ISO/DIS 22184 for sugars (galactose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose and maltose) determination in dairy products can be executed with a Dionex CarboPac PA1-2mm column using a Dionex HPIC system.

TN73348: Carbohydrate Determinations by HPAE-PAD using a PdH Reference Electrode

Instrument Type: IC

We recently introduced a PdH RE for HPAE-PAD carbohydrate determinations. In this work, we demonstrate two popular carbohydrate applications (honey sugars and glycoprotein monosaccharides) using a PdH RE and compare the results to using an Ag/AgCl RE. Our preliminary data indicate that the PdH RE provides comparable results to the standard Ag/AgCl RE for these two applications that use hydroxide eluents.

AN73009: An HPAE-PAD Method for Determination of Saccharides in Atmospheric Aerosol Samples

Instrument Type: IC

This application note describes a single column method using HPAE-PAD to determine anhydro sugars, simple sugars, and sugar alcohols present in atmospheric aerosol samples. Using a Dionex CarboPac MA1 column, 11 saccharides can be resolved in a single 55 min method. Additionally, three sugar alcohols can be resolved by modifying the initial eluent concentration,taking the total number of analytes that can be resolved to 14. The 14 saccharides separated include major saccharides found in atmospheric aerosols from four classes—anhydro sugars, sugar alcohols, monosaccharides, and disaccharides.