Optimization and validation of a multi-residue LC-MS/MS method for pesticides in spinach and cabbage by using Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC and TSQ Quantis mass spectrometer. Sample preparation was performed using QuEChERS method that provided high recoveries for an extensive scope of pesticides in several simple steps. Data acquisition and processing were carried out using Thermo Scientific TraceFinder software. The optimized method was validated as per the SANTE guideline and applied to real samples demonstrating that the workflow is fit for purpose.
Multi-residue instrumental method that can be applied for high-throughput quantitation of pesticide residues in garlic and cumin at or below the current legislative requirements. The Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 120 mass spectrometer was operated in two different workflows: using full-scan Data-Independent Acquisition for quantitation and confirmation and using Thermo Scientific AcquireX intelligent data acquisition background exclusion workflow for full spectrum filtering, retrospective analysis, and multi-parameter-based compound identification.
Reduce post-column dispersion with small ID capillaries for fast gradient UHPLC-MS methods using sub-2 μm particle next-generation columns
Quantitation of relevant fungicides in fruit juices down to below 1 ng/mL level without SPE workup. Simplified extraction procedure with QUECHERS sample treatment only. UHPLC-MS/MS analysis with sub-four minute gradients. To develop a rapid and sensitive assay for the quantitation of fungicides in fruit juices (orange and apple) with a separation gradient time of less than four minutes. The QuEChERS method was used without further sample preparation, such as SPE, evaporation, and resuspension, to give lower costs and faster workup.
We present a multi-residue instrumental method that can be applied for high-throughput screening and semi-quantitation of pesticide residues in food matrices at or below the current legislative requirements. A high-resolution, accurate-mass mass spectrometer operated in Full Scan – Variable Data-Independent Analysis (FS-vDIA)* mode provided an option for full spectrum filtering, retrospective analysis, and multi-parameter-based compound identification. The method was validated for 328 target pesticides, with an option for the future extension to a larger number. (*vDIA not available in US.)