In this document we demonstrate that AOAC 2018.16, a first action method for sugars determination in foods, can be executed with a Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA20-1 mm column using KOH/KMSA eluent produced electrolytically. using Dual Eluent Generation Cartridge (Dual EGC) mode
This application notes demonstrates that ISO/DIS 22184 for sugars (galactose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose and maltose) determination in dairy products can be executed with a Dionex CarboPac PA1-2mm column using a Dionex HPIC system.
The increased market demand for lactose-free products has created a need for a fast, reliable, and sensitive method to analyze these products. HPAE-PAD is one of the most powerful techniques for carbohydrate determinations. It is a well-established technique for lactose and lactulose determinations. In this work, we developed an HPAE-PAD method using the recently introduced Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA210-4µm column to separate lactose from other structurally similar milk sugars. Here we determined lactose in eleven lactose-free products (both dairy and baked) using HPAE-PAD.
The current work describes two methods that use a Dionex CarboPac PA20-4µm column for determination key sugars present in acid hydrolyzed algal biomass. The long method separates the two uronic acids in addition to the twelve other sugars separated by the shorter method. When a detailed sugar composition calculation is desired, the long method can be used. The method was validated for precision, accuracy, and robustness during routine use.
The current work describes two methods that use a Dionex CarboPac PA20-4µm column for determination key sugars present in acid hydrolyzed algal biomass. The short method separates twelve common carbohydrate sugars in less than fifteen minutes. This method does not separate uronic acids, which are key components that are present in low concentrations. The method was validated for precision, accuracy, and robustness during routine use.