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AU125: Monosaccharide Analysis of Serum Be the first to rate this application

determination monosaccharides serum


This shows the determination of xylose in serum by HPAE-PAD. During the xylose absorption test, which is administered to evaluate small intestine absorption, the amount of xylose in serum is determined. If there is a bacterial infection of the small intestine, xylose is incompletely absorbed and is present in serum.
Market: Clinical Research
Keywords: Glucose, xylose, HPAE-PAD, TN71, TN 71, TN 20, TN 70671, TN20, TN70671, AU 125
Matrix: Serum
Author: Jeffrey Rohrer
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA USA
Uploaded on 10/2/2014.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.