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Direct Determination of Existent Chloride and Sulfate in Denatured Ethanol Samples Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Be the first to rate this application


This method shows the direct determination of existent chloride and sulfate in denatured ethanol samples, previously published in Application Update 194. In this record, the method is executed on an Integrion IC system.
Market: Chemical
Keywords: biofuel, HPIC, anions, IC, Suppressed Conductivity, IonPac AS22 Column, Integrion, Ion chromatograhy, Denatured alcohol, direct detection, direct determination, AERS 500 carbonate suppressor, potential chloride, Potential sulfate, existent chloride, existent sulfate, Integrion HPIC, Denatured ethanol, ASTM D9317-13
Matrix: Denatured ethanol
Author: Terri Christison and Jeff Rohrer
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 1/21/2016.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.