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CAN101: Detection of Ethyl Glucuronide Using Pulsed Electrochemical Detection following Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography Be the first to rate this application

detection ethyl glucuronide


This application note discusses improvements made to the previous method. One change involves mobile phase optimization, in which alternative organic modifiers are studied. Another change is the addition of a wash step, which prevents carryover of the sample matrix between runs. Adjustments made to the SPE provide a much higher sample recovery. The internal standard is also changed to ProG in order to prevent elution with matrix interferents.
Market: Clinical Research; Pharma
Keywords: Acclaim PolarAdvantage, CAN101, EtG, Ethanol Metabolism, PED
Matrix: Water
Author: Ivy Grimm, Romina Shah, William R. LaCourse
Affiliation: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Uploaded on 11/16/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.