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Displaying 1-5 of 7 results for Tag: trace analysis
CAN114: Quantification of Trace and Major Anions in Water by Ion Chromatography in a High-Throughput Laboratory
Instrument Type: ICLaboratories split their methods because good resolution for the major inorganic anion peaks and a low LOD for bromate determination is a difficult compromise to achieve. This application is a 2 channels method for the determination of fluoride, chloride, chlorite, chlorate, bromide, bromate, nitrite, nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate in different types of water samples without compromise between the sample volume injected in the chromatographic system and a low limit of quantification suitable for trace bromate determinations. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
TN113: Practical Guidance for Using Capillary Anion Chromatography - Concentrate Mode
Instrument Type: ICConfiguring a capillary IC system for trace analysis is discussed in this technical note, TN113. Tips and tricks for trace anion analysis for ion chromatography (IC) systems and capillary IC systems are discussed. Data is also shown for concentrating and direct injection of a large volume injection. This example demonstrates anion determinations by concentrating 200 uL of sample.
TN112: Determination of Trace Anions in Ultrapure Water Using Capillary Ion Chromatography: LARGE LOOP INJECTION
Instrument Type: ICIn technical note TN112, trace anion determinations in ultrapure water by capillary IC are discussed. Both large volume direct injection using a large loop and using a concentrator column are discussed. Additionally installation tips are discussed.
AN184: Determination of Trace Concentrations of Chlorite, Bromate, and Chlorate in Bottled Natural Mineral Waters.(Method B)
Instrument Type: ICIn this application note, we compare the Dionex IonPac AS19 using an electrolytically generated hydroxide eluent to the AS23 column using an electrolytically generated carbonate/bicarbonate eluent for the determination of chlorite, bromate, and chlorate in natural mineral waters. We compare the linearity, method detection limits, precisions, and recovery for three mineral waters obtained from three European countries to determine whether these columns have the sensitivity required to meet current EPA and EU requirements. This record describes the IonPac AS23 method.
AN184: Determination of Trace Concentrations of Chlorite, Bromate, and Chlorate in Bottled Natural Mineral Waters.(Method A)
Instrument Type: ICIn this application note, we compare the Dionex IonPac AS19 using an electrolytically generated hydroxide eluent to the AS23 column using an electrolytically generated carbonate/bicarbonate eluent for the determination of chlorite, bromate, and chlorate in natural mineral waters. We compare the linearity, method detection limits, precisions, and recovery for three mineral waters obtained from three European countries to determine whether these columns have the sensitivity required to meet current EPA and EU requirements. This record describes the IonPac AS19 method.