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Displaying 1-5 of 9 results for Tag: coffee
AN358: Extraction and Cleanup of Acrylamide in Complex Matrices Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction Followed by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepAcrylamide is formed during the cooking process of certain plant-based foods which are rich in carbohydrates and low in protein. Specifically, it forms when asparagine reacts with sugars such as glucose at high temperatures. Acrylamide is a known carcinogen in animals. Accelerated solvent extraction is an excellent technique for extraction of acrylamide from various fried food products. This application note describes a new accelerated solvent extraction method that combines the extraction of low-levels of acrylamide from coffee and chocolate with an in-cell, solid-phase cleanup step.
Determination of Carbohydrates in Coffee Using a New Fast HPAE-PAD Method
Instrument Type: ICThis record demonstrates a fast, high resolution HPAE-PAD method based on the method in AN280 for determining common sugars of interest in food and beverages. The IC instrument described in AN280, is updated to the Thermo Scientific Dionex Integrion HPIC system. The CarboPac SA10 column used in Application Note 280 is replaced with CarboPac SA10-4μm column which delivers faster and higher resolution separations. This method was applied to coffer samples.
AB135: Determination of Anions and Organic Acids in Brewed Coffee Samples Using Capillary IC
Instrument Type: ICThe characteristic aroma, acidity, and flavor of a coffee are attributed to the inorganic anions, organic acids, chlorogenic acid, and monosaccharides content. In this study, inorganic anions and organic acid anions in caffeinated and decaffeinated brewed coffee samples are separated within 20 min by anion-exchange chromatography on a capillary Dionex IonSwift MAX-100 (0.25 × 250 mm) column set using a gradient of potassium hydroxide eluent at 12 μL/min.
Fast analysis of coffee bean extracts using a Thermo Scientific Accucore RP-MS column
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied for the analysis of coffee bean extracts. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Accucore RP-MS column, with UV detection at 325 nm.
AN280: Carbohydrate in Coffee: A New Fast HPAE-PAD Method
Instrument Type: ICA fast method using the Dionex CarboPac SA10 column was tested for determining the common coffee carbohydrates. This column achieves fast, high resolution separation of mono- and disaccharides commonly found in food samples. The Dionex CarboPac SA10 column is composed of a wide-pore macroporous substrate coated with a strong anion-exchange latex of nano-beads. The combination of the high capacity provided by the substrate and the new internal chemistry of the nano-bead functionality delivers high resolution and short analysis time for the common sugars of interest in food and beverages.