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Displaying 1-5 of 6 results for Tag: Vegetable
AN357: Extraction of Phenolic Acids from Plant Tissue Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE)
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepThis application note will focus on the extraction of phenolic acids from two different plants (eggplants and black cohosh) using ASE. The ASE results from five different eggplant samples are compared to eight different extraction techniques. Data from the extraction of black cohosh show the results of the optimum ASE conditions for this matrix, focusing on temperature and solvent choice.
Comparing LC and GC Triple Quadrupole MS for the Screening of 500 Pesticides in Matrix
Instrument Type: LCMSMSModern pesticide analysis is extremely challenging due to the diversity of compounds required to be reported, especially in the area of food safety control. The pressure to report large numbers of pesticides quickly makes it attractive to use large single injection methods. Triple quad MS has emerged as a primary screening technique due to its high sensitivity and selectivity against matrix. Presented is a comparison of both LC and GC sample introduction techniques coupled to triple quad MS screening of over 500 pesticides at ppb levels.
Determination of Different Classes of Pesticide Residues in Processed Fruits and Vegetables by LC-MS Using the TSQ Quantum Ultra According to EU Directive 91/414 EEC
Instrument Type: LCMSMSA diet rich in fruits and vegetables is thought to reduce the risk of some types of cancer, circulatory, and heart disease. Commercially grown produce can contain high levels of pesticide residues that can lead to serious health problems when consumed. Due to growing public concern over the amount of pesticide residues in foods, the EU has enacted several directives including new 'active' ingredients entering the market to replace compounds banned by Directive 91/414/ EEC. We describe an LC-ESI-MS/MS method for the detection and quantification of 45 pesticides in various food matrices.
Simple and fast QuEChERS dispersive solid phase extraction for the GC-MS analysis of pesticides in cucumber
Instrument Type: GCMSThe Thermo Scientific TRACE GC Ultra is applied for the analysis of pesticides residues. The pesticides were extracted from cucumber using the QuEChERS method described in EN15662. The separation of the pesticides was performed on a Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD TG-5MS GC column, with MS detection.
AN255: Determination of Free and Total Glycerol in Biodiesel Samples by HPAE-PAD Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICBiodiesel fuels are diesel fuel blended with 2–20% (B2–B20) of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) obtained from vegetable or animal oils. The processing of these oils generates 3-1 molecules of free FAMEs and glycerol byproduct. Free and total glycerol is regulated (ASTM D6751) because of associated fuel separation, viscosity, and engine lockup problems. Samples were prepared by base hydrolysis. Glycerol, as free or total, was separated by a CarboPac MA1 column, designed for separation of sugar alcohols and detected by PAD and a Au working electrode. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.