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AN357: Extraction of Phenolic Acids from Plant Tissue Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) Be the first to rate this application

extraction plant tissue
# Compound Name Compound Class
1 Chlorogenic acid Phenolic Acid


This application note will focus on the extraction of phenolic acids from two different plants (eggplants and black cohosh) using ASE. The ASE results from five different eggplant samples are compared to eight different extraction techniques. Data from the extraction of black cohosh show the results of the optimum ASE conditions for this matrix, focusing on temperature and solvent choice.
Market: Food and Beverage
Keywords: ASE, ASE 200, ASE 350, phenolics, black cohosh, eggplant, chlorogenic acid
Matrix: Plant tissue
Uploaded on 12/23/2016.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.