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Displaying 1-5 of 14 results for Tag: RI detection
Related Compound analysis of Lactulose as per USP monograph
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 LC system is applied for the analysis of Lactulose. The separation was performed on a Thermo Scientific Hypersil Gold amino HPLC column using the method as described in the USP 38 monograph. Resolution between Epilactose and Lactose Peak was 1.28 (met USP criteria of NLT 0.9), RRT for Epilactose with respect to Lactulose peak was 0.92 (met USP criteria of about 0.83), Resolution between Lactulose and Lactose Peak was 3.17 (met USP criteria of NLT 1.5), RRT for Lactose with respect to Lactulose peak was 1.22 (met USP criteria of about 1.1),
Separation and determination of acesulfame K and sucralose in beer using a polar embedded HPLC column with RI detection
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 LC system is applied for the separation and determination of acesulfame K and sucralose in beer. The separation was performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim Polar Advantage II (PA2) HPLC column. The results obtained for resolution between acesulfame K and sucralose was greater than 5 and tailing factor were less than 2.0 for both compounds.
Simple determination of sorbitol using HPLC with RI detection
Instrument Type: HPLCIn this work the Thermo Scientific Hypersil GOLD Amino column was used for the determination of sorbitol. A simple isocratic method was used with RI detection and a run time of seven minutes was achieved.
HILIC determination of sugars by HPLC with RI detection
Instrument Type: HPLCThe separation of five sugars was performed using the Thermo Scientific Hypersil GOLD Amino column in HILIC mode with RI detection.
Simple isocratic analysis of sugars in honey
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 HPLC system is applied for the analysis of sugars in honey. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Accucore 150-Amide-HILIC HPLC column, with RI detection.