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Displaying 1-5 of 16 results for Tag: Phenol
AN317: Extraction of BNAs (Bases, Neutrals, and Acids) Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE)
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepThe procedures described in this application note meet the requirements for sample extraction as determined by U.S. EPA Method 3545. This method is applicable to the extraction of water-insoluble or slightly water-soluble volatile and semivolatile compounds in preparation for gas chromatographic or GC/MS measurement. This method is applicable to soils, clays, wastes, and sediments containing 250–12,500 μg/kg of BNA compounds.
Analyzing Phenolic Pollutants in Water Using U-HPLC
Instrument Type: UHPLCPhenolic compounds are of particular environmental importance due to their relatively high toxicity at low levels and their presence in environmental waters and organic matter, following degradation of a range of industrial products such as pesticides and herbicides, as well as naturally occurring humic substances and tannins. We demonstrate analysis optimization by variation of column chemistry, and the viability of reducing stationary phase particle size to significantly increase analysis speed, while maintaining separation parameters and increasing sensitivity.
A high throughput method for the analysis of 22 substituted phenol isomers using a UHPLC column and system combination
Instrument Type: UHPLCTo demonstrate the advantages of using the Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil GOLD™ VANQUISH PFP, 1.9 µm column and Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC system, for the analysis of 22 positional isomers.
Determination of Chlorophenols in Water according to US EPA Method 528
Instrument Type: GCMSThe application provides a complete analytical workflow for the GC-MS analysis of phenolic compounds in water according to the EPA 528 guideline. The method includes all the steps required to collect, prepare and analyze samples. The extraction and purification of the analytes have been achieved with the Thermo Scientific Dionex AutoTrace 280 SPE for complete unattended operations.
A simple gradient method for the analysis of resveratrol in red wine
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 HPLC system is applied for the analysis of resveratrol in red wine. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim 120 C18 column, with UV detection at 310 nm.