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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: Pesticide residues
AN666: Routine analysis of polar pesticides in water at low ng/L levels by ion chromatography coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
Instrument Type: ICMSWe present an IC-MS/MS based method for high-throughput screening and quantitation of polar pesticide residues and their metabolites in water matrices below the current legislative requirements. Direct injection eliminates long and laborious sample preparation and makes the method more sensitive and faster than traditionally used LC-MS/MS methods, which utilize FMOC derivatization. This method can increase cost savings, provide more reliable results, and increase sample throughput.
Pesticide residues screening analysis in tea and honey using a Q Exactive Focus High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Type: LCMSMSWe present a multi-residue instrumental method that can be applied for high-throughput screening and semi-quantitation of pesticide residues in food matrices at or below the current legislative requirements. A high-resolution, accurate-mass mass spectrometer operated in Full Scan – Variable Data-Independent Analysis (FS-vDIA)* mode provided an option for full spectrum filtering, retrospective analysis, and multi-parameter-based compound identification. The method was validated for 328 target pesticides, with an option for the future extension to a larger number. (*vDIA not available in US.)
AN661: Fast routine analysis of polar pesticides in foods by suppressed ion chromatography and mass spectrometry
Instrument Type: ICMSWe present a reliable and cost-effective IC-MS/MS multi-residue method for high-throughput screening and quantitation of polar pesticide residues and their metabolites in food matrices below the current legislative requirements. In contrast to methods described in the literature, sample preparation is simplified and the use of ion chromatography speeds up the separation.