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Displaying 1-5 of 27 results for Tag: Oxalate
TN72206: Configuring the Dionex Modular HPIC System with an Inline Water Purifier and Inline Calibration for Trace Anion Determinations in Ultrapure Water: 50 ppt Standard
Instrument Type: ICIn the electronics industry, ionic contamination, in the range of parts per trillion (ppt, ng/L) to parts per billion (ppb) concentrations, is a major concern causing corrosion-related failures in production and as a product. Ionic contamination is increasingly important as the devices decrease to size. This technical note demonstrates automated calibration and water purification on an ICS-5000+ HPIC dual IC system to minimize the system and environmental contamination which resulted in increased sensitivity to double-digit-ppt concentrations. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
AB137: Determination of Inorganic and Organic Acids in Apple and Orange Juice Samples Using Capillary IC
Instrument Type: ICDeterminations of organic acids in fruit juices are used by the beverage industry for flavor characterization, identification of spoilage, identification of adulteration by a less costly juice, and product labeling. In this study, inorganic anions and organic acids in diluted filtered apple and orange juice samples were determined on a Dionex IonSwift MAX-100 anion-exchange column using electrolytically generated hydroxide gradient from 0.1–65 mM KOH over 25 min at 15 μL/min.
AB135: Determination of Anions and Organic Acids in Brewed Coffee Samples Using Capillary IC
Instrument Type: ICThe characteristic aroma, acidity, and flavor of a coffee are attributed to the inorganic anions, organic acids, chlorogenic acid, and monosaccharides content. In this study, inorganic anions and organic acid anions in caffeinated and decaffeinated brewed coffee samples are separated within 20 min by anion-exchange chromatography on a capillary Dionex IonSwift MAX-100 (0.25 × 250 mm) column set using a gradient of potassium hydroxide eluent at 12 μL/min.
TN62: Reducing Carbonate Interference in Anion Determinations with the Carbonate Removal Device (CRD): Trace Anions
Instrument Type: ICCarbonate can interfere with accurate quantification of adjoining anions, such as sulfate. Here we show the efficient removal of the carbonate peak from a trace analysis water sample using the Dionex CRD 200 device. In this example, a large volume (1000 uL) of water spiked with < 4 ug/L concentration of 17 anions is directly analyzed.
TN48 (Method 2): Determination of Trace Anions in High-Purity Water by High-Volume Direct Injection with Online Eluent Generation
Instrument Type: ICThis note describes the use of the eluent generator with the high-volume direct-injection technique to determine trace anions in high-purity waters. The ability to generate high-purity and carbonate-free eluents on-line improves performance for trace-level analysis. Retention time reproducibility is improved, especially for early-eluting species. The baseline shift from the hydroxide gradient is significantly reduced. Two columns are described: the 2-mm IonPac AS11 & 2-mm AS15. Common inorganic anions and low molecular weight organic acids are determined below μg/L levels in less than 35 min.