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Displaying 1-5 of 6 results for Tag: Nuclear Power Plant
AU175: Determination of Organic Acids and Inorganic Anions in Lithium-Containing Boric Acid-Treated Nuclear Power Plant Waters
Instrument Type: ICIn nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors the primary coolant includes boric acid, which at high temperature and pressure can form crud. Lithium hydroxide is added to prevent this. Trace anionic impurities can serve as catalysts for corrosion. The experimental approach shown in this work combines the direct injection, electrolytically generated tetraborate eluent approach to analyze lithium-containing borated waters for fluoride, formate, chloride, and sulfate with the addition of a continuously regenerated cation trap column to remove lithium and other cations from the sample.
AN247 (b): Determination of Morpholine, Ethanolamine, and Hydrazine in Simulated Nuclear Power Plant Wastewater
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note describes the determination of μg/L concentrations of hydrazine, morpholine, and ethanolamine (ETA) in a simulated NPP wastewater sample containing mg/L concentrations of common cations. ETA is separated using an IonPac CS15 column with electrolytically generated methanesulfonic acid eluent. See AN 247 (a) for separation of morpholine and hydrazine on an IonPac CS16 column.
AN247 (a): Determination of Morpholine, Ethanolamine, and Hydrazine in Simulated Nuclear Power Plant Wastewater
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note describes the determination of μg/L concentrations of hydrazine, morpholine, and ethanolamine (ETA) in a simulated NPP wastewater sample containing mg/L concentrations of common cations. Morpholine and hydrazine are separated using an IonPac CS16 column with electrolytically generated methanesulfonic acid eluent. See AN 247 (b) for ETA separation on an IonPac CS15 column.
AN222: Determination of Parts-Per-Trillion Concentrations of Strontium by Pre-Concentration with Ion Chromatography and Suppressed Conductivity Detection
Instrument Type: ICRadioactive isotopes of strontium (90Sr and 89Sr isotopes) are byproducts of nuclear power plant reactions. 90Sr monitoring is needed because 90Sr can displace calcium in bones and teeth, resulting in long term exposure and subsequent increased cancer risk. Ion-exchange chromatography can be used to focus and isolate 90Sr from other isotopes that interfere with accurate scintillation determinations. Here ng/L of non-radioactive Sr as a retention time marker for 90Sr is pre-concentrated, then separated on an IonPac CS12A column, and detected by suppressed conductivity.
AN277: Fast and Sensitive Determination of Transition Metals in Power Industry Waters Using Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThis study describes the separation of iron (III), copper (II), nickel (II), and zinc (II) complexes with PDCA followed by postcolumn PAR reaction and absorbance detection at 530 nm. Surrogate samples include spiked deionized (DI) water (Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) surrogate) and spiked borated water containing lithium hydroxide with or without added zinc (Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) surrogates).