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Displaying 1-5 of 26 results for Tag: Material Science
AN347: Use of Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) for Cleaning and Elution of XAD Resin
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepXAD resins are used as solid phase extraction materials for applications in water and air sampling. When received, resins are wet and contain contaminants. The current methods for cleaning and eluting require large amounts of solvent and time. Here, an XAD-2 resin is cleaned using ASE, then spiked with organochlorine pesticides (OCP) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) standards and eluted using ASE. The results show that ASE effectively and efficiently cleans and dries the resin without damaging the particles, and is able to elute OCP and PAH compounds from XAD resin with good results.
AN331: Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) of Additives from Polymer Materials
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepAccelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) is a powerful technique that can be used to reliably extract additives from polymer materials. ASE uses organic solvents at temperatures above their atmospheric pressure boiling points to deliver extractions equivalent to traditional extraction techniques, but with faster extraction times, reduced solvent use, and automation of the extraction process. ASE is recognized as an official extraction method in U.S. EPA Method 3545.
AN336: Accelerated Solvent Extraction of Plasticizers from Polyvinyl Chloride Polymer
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepPolyvinyl chloride (PVC) polymers are typically composed of resins, stabilizers, pigments, and plasticizers. Plasticizers, 30–35% of the formulation, are used to soften the polymer, increase manufacturability, and provide form and function. Extraction and determination of plasticizers in PVC material are critical steps in evaluating a polymer for an intended use. This Application Note outlines the basic principles of using accelerated solvent extraction to extract plasticizers such as dioctyl adipate, trioctyl phosphate, dioctyl phthalate, and trioctyl trimellitate from PVC.
TN46: Determination of Trace Anions in Concentrated Glycolic Acid
Instrument Type: ICThis Technical Note describes the theory, set up, and analytical procedure for the determination of trace chloride and sulfate at sub-mg/L (ppm) levels in 0.7-17.5% (v/v) glycolic acid.
TN45: Determination of Trace Anions in Hydrofluoric Acid, Ammonium Fluoride, and a Buffered Oxide Etchant
Instrument Type: ICThis work, an update to the original TN 45, reports an improved method for determining low concentrations of strong acid anions in HF. The method design also allows determination of low concentrations of strong acid anions in an HF/ammonium fluoride mixture (BOE), and ammonium fluoride. The ICE-AS6 column was replaced by the ICE-AS1 column because internal analysis showed that ICE-AS1 column had consistently low levels of sulfate, whereas there was a wide variation in sulfate concentrations from the ICE-AS6 column.