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Displaying 1-5 of 10 results for Tag: Integrion RFIC
Trace Anion Analysis in Ultrapure Water Using an Electrolytic Water Purifier with a Compact Ion Chromatography System: 50 ppt Standard
Instrument Type: ICDeterminations of trace anions in ultrapure water are important to the electronics industry. In this record, determinations of ng/L (ppt) anions using large volume concentration are made possible by the Electrolytic Water Purifier(EWP) and AutoPrep modules. Calibration standards are prepared using the AutoPrep large and small loops and EWP-purified water diluent, thereby increasing sensitivity by eliminating sources of contamination. The trace anions are separated on an IonPac AS17-C column designed to improve low level sulfate determinations using a Dionex Integrion compact IC system.
AU200: Fast Anion Determinations in Environmental Waters Using a High-Pressure Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of anions is one of the most important IC applications. Here we have updated Application Note 154 with the 4µm-resin-particle IonPac AS18-Fast-4µm column with expected backpressures approaching the previous system's limitations. In this Application Update, fast anion runs (9 min) were achieved with a gradient separation, saving 4 min run time with while retaining similar chromatography with higher sensitivity than the previous application. This analysis was facilitated by the high pressure capable Dionex Integrion HPIC system configured for Reagent-Free IC.
Determination of Inorganic Anions in Environmental Waters Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis method shows the determination of inorganic anions in an environmental water sample, previously published in Application Note 154. In this record, the method is executed on an Integrion HPIC system with eluent generation.
Determination of High Sugar Concentrations in an Irish Whiskey Sample Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis record demonstrates the determinations of glucose, fructose, and sucrose in a 5-fold diluted Irish whiskey sample by HPAE-PAD. Typically samples with g/L concentrations require >1000-fold dilutions to remain in the linear range of the very sensitive HPAE-PAD technique. However, this method, demonstrated on the Integrion RFIC system, uses a 0.4 µL internal injection loop with the High Concentration Carbohydrate Analysis Kit to extend the linearity from low mg/L to g/L concentrations. A wood hydrolysate application using this technique is attached for reference.
Determination of High Sugar Concentrations in a Flavored Rum Liquor Sample Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis record demonstrates the determinations of glucose, fructose, and sucrose in a 100-fold diluted flavored rum alcohol sample by HPAE-PAD. Typically samples with g/L concentrations require > 10,000-fold dilutions to remain in the linear range of the very sensitivie HPAE-PAD technique. However, this method, demonstrated on the Integrion RFIC system, uses a 0.4 µL internal injection loop with the High Concentration Carbohydrate Analysis Kit to extend the linearity from low mg/L to g/L concentrations. A wood hydrolysate application using this technique is attached for reference.