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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for Tag: ICP-MS
离子色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱法联 用测定饮料中的阴离子形态溴
Instrument Type: IC溴酸根的检测方法主要有化学法与仪器法,其中化学法有亚硫酸盐滴定 法、碘量法,但如果产品中含有具有氧化性的物质,使用上述方法可能导致结 果偏离;仪器法主要包括气相色谱法、高压液相色谱法和离子色谱法等[4-10], 检测结果也常有假阳性现象发生。本实验以离子色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱 法(IC-ICP-MS)为检测手段,建立同时检测饮料中溴酸根与溴离子的方法。 该方法采用样品经离子色谱柱分离后,直接进入ICP-MS仪器进行检测,极大 地降低基体干扰,提高分析方法的信噪比和灵敏度。
AN43227: Speciation of Bromine Compounds in Ozonated Drinking Water using Ion Chromatography and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Instrument Type: ICBromate and brominated organic acids are generated by ozonation of bromide in municipal disinfection processes. The brominated compounds are toxic so compliance monitoring is required. Here four bromine species, including bromate are determined in drinking water using IC coupled to ICP-MS according to a modified U.S. EPA Method 321.8. The ions are separated by IC using a KOH gradient on an IonPac AS19 column. Then the eluting species are detected and quantified by ICP-MS down to ng/L concentrations with negligible spectral interferences using Kinetic Energy Discrimination (KED).
AN43099: IC-ICP-MS speciation analysis of As in apple juice
Instrument Type: ICInorganic and organic arsenic compounds have very different toxicities, and therefore speciation analysis is needed to assess the potential health risk posed by the food product. Here two inorganic and four organic arsenic species are determined in an apple juice sample using IC coupled to iCAP Q ICP-MS. Arsenic species are first separated by IC using an ammonium carbonate gradient on an IonPac AS7 column. Then the eluting species are detected and quantified by the ICP-MS down to ng/g concentrations. Arsenic speciation is also demonstrated in organic brown rice syrup (OBRS) in AN43126.
AN43175: The Migration of Elements from Toys and Speciation of Chromium (VI) in Toy Material Using a IC-ICP-MS Solution
Instrument Type: ICSpeciation determinations of ionic compounds are important to determine the concentration of the more toxic form in the total elemental composition. Chromium compounds have brilliant hues and consequently are often used in dyes and inks however, chromium compounds are toxic. Chromium VI species is very toxic so it is monitored as an extractable in children’s toys. This method determines extractable Chromium VI (SOP EN 71-3:2012) in an ink sample separated by ion chromatography (IC) on IonPac AG7 guard column and detected by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) at ng/L.