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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for Tag: CarboPac PA100
TN30: Monosaccharide and Oligosaccharide Analysis of Glycoproteins Electrotransferred onto Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Membranes
Instrument Type: ICThis older TN shows how HPAE-PAD carbohydrate analysis can be performed from a PVDF blot. The TN shows monosaccharide, oligosaccharide, and sialic acid analyses. This record reports the monosaccharide analysis method. For updated monosaccharide, sialic acid, and oligosaccharide analysis methods please see records for TN40, AU180, AU181, and AN1050.
AN82: Analysis of Fruit Juices Adulterated with Medium Invert Sugar from Beets (Method C)
Instrument Type: ICFruit juice adulteration presents an economic & regulatory problem. Investigators using high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection(HPAE-PAD) discovered several components in beet medium invert sugar(BMIS) that are not present in orange juice. The selectivity of anion-exchange chromatography, especially for oligosaccharides, the sensitivity and specificity of pulsed amperometric detection make HPAE-PAD uniquely suited to this analysis. Today we would use a different electrochemical waveform (see TN21) and post-column addition of NaOH would not be required.
AN71410: Ion Chromatography: A Versatile Technique for the Analysis of Beer (Part B: Malto-oligosaccharides)
Instrument Type: ICThis application note describes the use of ion-exchange or ion-exclusion chromatography for the determination of five classes of compounds of interest to the brewing industry, including: carbohydrates, alcohols, organic acids, inorganic anions, and inorganic cations. One of two forms of electrochemical detection is used, pulsed amperometry or conductivity detection.This part of the application note describes the malto-oligosaccharide method which uses pulsed amperometry detection. This was formerly Dionex AN46.
AN1070: Determination of Inositol Phosphates in Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles
Instrument Type: ICA method to determine the level of phytate hydrolysis products in dried distiller grains with soluble (DDGS) is useful in determining phosphorus bioavailability to livestock animals. This study demonstrates the determination of 25 inositol phosphate isomers—InsP2–InsP6—in an in-house prepared reference solution with the method applied to a DDGS sample. Separation of the InsP isomers was achieved using a Dionex CarboPac PA100 column (4 × 250 mm) in <42 min with an HCl gradient, followed by a postcolumn reaction with ferric nitrate in dilute perchloric acid and then UV detection.
AN67: Determination of Plant-Derived Neutral Oligo- and Polysaccharides
Instrument Type: ICThis application note describes how to develop an HPAE-PAD method for separating plant-derived neutral oligo- and polysaccharides. Amylopectin and fructan separations demonstrate column, eluent, and gradient choices for developing rugged HPAE-PAD methods for neutral oligo- and polysaccharides.