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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for Tag: Amino Sugar
Determination of Galactosamine Containing Organic Impurities in Heparin Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis record shows that AN233 can be run using an Integrion ion chromatography system. In AN233, the organic impurities in heparin are determined by HPAE-PAD using the Dionex CarboPac PA20 column following the USP monograph method. This method provides sensitive determination of galactosamine in acid-hydrolyzed heparin samples, enabling the identification of heparin that has been contaminated with chondroitin sulfates.
AU164: Determination of Glucosamine in Chondroitin Sulfate-Containing Dietary Supplements Using HPAE-PAD
Instrument Type: ICGlucosamine (GlcN), a major structural component of glycosaminoglycan compounds, and chondroitin sulfate (CS), a glycosaminoglycan, are involved in normal joint function and are sold as dietary supplements for joint health. Accurate determinations of GlcN in dietary supplements by HPAE-PAD were reported in AN197. In AN197 the dietary supplements analyzed did not contain CS, a polyanionic polysaccharide that has the potential to overload the column and compromise GlcN determinations. This application update extends the determination of GlcN to dietary supplements containing CS.
Rapid analysis of glucosamine sulfate by LC-MS
Instrument Type: LCMSThe Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied for the analysis of glucosamine sulfate. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Hypercarb column in less than 5 minutes, with MS detection.
AN197: Determination of Glucosamine in Dietary Supplements Using HPAE-PAD
Instrument Type: ICGlucosamine (GlcN), a naturally occurring amino sugar, is a major structural component in the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Use of GlcN as a dietary supplement in the management of osteoarthritis has attracted considerable attention. Pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) is sensitive and selective and therefore ideally suited for determination of GlcN. High-performance anion-exchange with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE-PAD) chromatography is a sensitive, direct-detection technique capable of separating mono- and disaccharides rapidly and efficiently.