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Displaying 1-5 of 10 results for Tag: Acclaim 120 C8
USP 38 monograph: assay analysis of tetracycline hydrochloride using a C8 HPLC column
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 LC system is applied for the assay analysis of tetracycline hydrochloride. The separation was performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim 120 C8 HPLC column using the method described in the USP 38 monograph. The results obtained exceeded the criteria stated in the USP. Resolution between 4-epianhydrotetracycline hydrochloride and tetracycline hydrochloride peak was 3.5 (USP criteria of not less than 1.2). Relative retention time of 4-epianhydrotetracycline hydrochloride with respect to tetracycline hydrochloride peak was 0.82 (USP criteria about 0.9).
Fast analysis of hydrocortisone in skin ointment
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied for the analysis of hydrocortisone in skin ointment. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim 120 C8 column, with UV detection at 245 nm.
USP 38 monograph: impurity determination of metronidazole using a C8 HPLC column
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 LC system is applied for the analysis of Metronidazole and its impurities. The separation was performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim 120 C8 HPLC column using the method described in the USP 38 monograph. The results obtained for resolution and tailing factor exceeded the criteria stated in the USP. Resolution between tinidazole compound A and metronidazole was 8.1 (USP criteria of not less than 2.0) and tailing factor for metronidazole was 1.0 (USP criteria not more than 2.0).
Fast isocratic separation of six cardiac antiarrhythmic drugs (beta-blockers)
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied for the analysis of beta-blockers. The separation is performed using a Thermo Scientific Acclaim 120 C8 column, with UV detection at 214 nm.
Comparison of five reversed-phase columns for the separation of 1-naphthyl isothiocyanate (NITC) derivatives of volatile amines
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 HPLC system is applied for the analysis of 1-naphthyl isothiocyanate (NITC) derivatives of volatile amines. The separation is performed on five reversed-phase columns; Thermo Scientific Acclaim C30, Acclaim 120 C8, Acclaim 120 C18, Acclaim PolarAdvanage and Acclaim PolarAdvantage II. The results were compared.