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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: AS-HV autosampler

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TN72206: Configuring the Dionex Modular HPIC System with an Inline Water Purifier and Inline Calibration for Trace Anion Determinations in Ultrapure Water: EWP Water Blank

Instrument Type: IC

In the electronics industry, ionic contamination in the range of parts per trillion (ppt, ng/L) to parts per billion (ppb) concentrations is a major concern, causing corrosion-related failures in production and final product. Ionic contamination is increasingly important as the devices decrease to size. This technical note demonstrates automated calibration and water purification on an ICS-5000+ HPIC dual IC system to minimize the system and environmental contamination which resulted in increased sensitivity to double-digit-ppt concentrations. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.

Trace Anion Analysis in Ultrapure Water Using an Electrolytic Water Purifier with a Compact Ion Chromatography System: Water Blank

Instrument Type: IC

Determinations of trace anions in ultrapure water are important to the electronics industry. In this record, determinations of ng/L (ppt) anions using large volume concentration are made possible by the Electrolytic Water Purifier(EWP) and AutoPrep modules. Calibration standards are prepared using the AutoPrep large and small loops and EWP-purified water diluent, thereby increasing sensitivity by eliminating sources of contamination. The trace anions are separated on an IonPac AS17-C column designed to improve low level sulfate determinations using a Dionex Integrion compact IC system.

AU163: Determination of Trace Anions in Organic Solvents Using Matrix Elimination and Preconcentration

Instrument Type: IC

Anion contamination introduced during manufacturing processes can ruin semiconductor devices, and therefore trace contaminants in solvents are a concern. This method successfully determines trace anions (high ng/L to low μg/L) in isopropyl alcohol, methanol, acetone, and n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone by matrix elimination. Results show improved method detection limits (MDLs) using 60% smaller sample injections. The method easily meets the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI®) specifications for solvents, with typically 100- to 2800-fold lower MDLs than the SEMI specifications.