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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for Tag: 2-aminobenzamide
AU206: Improved Separation of Aminobenzamide (2-AB)-Labeled N-glycans from Human α1 Acid-Glycoprotein for Analysis by HPAE-FLD
Instrument Type: ICThis application update demonstrates improved chromatographic separation achieved using a Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA200 column for the HPAE-FLD method described in proposed United States Pharmacopeia (USP) General Chapter <212> to separate 2-AB-labeled N-linked oligosaccharides from human α1 acid-glycoprotein. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
High resolution analysis of 2-aminobenzamide labeled dextran ladder on a Thermo Scientific Accucore 150-Amide-HILIC nanoLC column
Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)The Thermo Scientific nanoLC system is applied for the analysis of 2-aminobenzamide labeled dextran ladder. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Accucore 150-Amide-HILIC nanoLC column, with UV detection at 240 and 330 nm.
Evaluation of temperature influence on retention of glycans in HILIC
Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)The Thermo Scientific Dionex Ultimate 3000 BioRS system in combination with the Thermo Scientific Accucore 150-Amide-HILIC is used to run separation of 2-AB-labelled dextran ladder in gradient mode. The column compartment was set at different temperature between 20 and 50 °C. At high temperature the selectivity between oligomers was improved, and peaks were in average narrower. Consequently higher peak capacity was achieved at high temperature.
Enhanced separation of a 2-aminobenzamide labelled dextran ladder using a Thermo Scientific Accucore 150-Amide-HILIC column
Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)The Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 RSLC system is applied for the analysis of a 2-aminobenzamide labelled dextran ladder. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Accucore 150-Amide-HILIC HPLC column, with fluorescence detection.