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Displaying 1-5 of 131 results for: pesticide

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TN001900: Evaluation of Cationic Quaternary Amines by Ion Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (IC-MS)

Instrument Type: ICMS

Pesticide contamination in food as a potential health risk is a growing public concern. The determinations of cationic quaternary amine polar pesticides are challenging due to their similar chemistries and similar masses and mass fragments. For example, Thermo Scientific Dionex™ IonPac™ CS21-Fast-4μm cation-exchange column was designed to resolve diquat and paraquat. This technical note provides the IC-MS conditions for twelve of the fifteen analytes. Three analytes, 1,2,4-triazole, difenzoquat, and propamocarb, are unsuitable using the Dionex IonPac CS21-Fast-4μm column for IC-MS analysis.

Analysis of Pymethrozine, Dinotefuron and Pyraclostrobin using Acclaim C18 120 A

Instrument Type: HPLC

Analysis of Pymethrozine, Dinotefuron and Pyraclostrobin

AN001054: Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in Soils using the EXTREVA ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor and GC-ECD

Instrument Type: Automated Sample Prep

This application described a method for the determination of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in soil matrices using the Thermo Scientific EXTREVA ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor with Gas Chromatograph and electron capture detector (ECD). Good recovery and reproducibility were observed for all analytes. Carryover between consecutive runs were minimal. And thermal degradation was low under the extraction conditions. By combining two sample preparation instruments into one, the EXTREVA ASE performs both extraction and evaporation for organic compounds in one operation.

AN001166: Determination of Cationic Polar Pesticides in Oat Cereals by Ion Chromatography and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Instrument Type: ICMS

Pesticide contamination in food as a potential health risk is a growing public concern, resulting in increased interest and attention by health researchers and regulatory agencies. The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™CS21-Fast-4µm column selected for this method, was optimized to fully resolve paraquat from diquat. In this application, a targeted screening method is demonstrated for cationic polar pesticides in oat cereals using the IonPac CS21-Fast-4µm column, the Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system combined with the Thermo Scientific™ ISQ EC™ single quadrupole mass spectrometer.

Unstoppable analysis of pesticides residues in black tea using triple quadrupole GC-MS

Instrument Type: GCMSMS

In this study, the suitability of the TSQ 9610 triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS system was assessed for the analysis of more than 200 pesticides in black tea at trace concentrations supplemented with SPE cleanup. The linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of quantitation, and injection reproducibility of 20 selected analytes representative of the different pesticide classes in black tea matrix were demonstrated.