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Displaying 1-5 of 15 results for: lc-ms

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Monitoring of multiple quality attributes of intact monoclonal antibodies from bioreactors by switchable 2D-LC-MS

Instrument Type: LCMS

The presented 2D-LC-MS system facilitates the straightforward analysis of mAb producing cell culture samples for the upstream monitoring of titer, charge variants, and size variants of the intact antibody. While the first dimension purifies the mAb from matrix components by Protein A affinity chromatography, selectable second dimension mechanisms enable the assessment of the aggregation level by SEC or the abundance monitoring of glycoforms and other variants by SCX.

Intact mass analysis of monoclonal antibody charge variants by multi heart-cut 2D-LC/MS coupling ion-exchange and reversed-phase chromatography

Instrument Type: LCMS

Multiple heart-cut 2D-LC-MS is an efficient approach for charge variant analysis of antibodies by enabling direct MS analysis of first dimension ion-exchange fractions after desalting in the second dimension. Intact mass analysis facilitates identification and monitoring of mAb charge variant patterns. Annotations of major and minor charge variant peaks could be proposed. Enrichment of one fraction was used to improve the MS signal intensity.

Development of a stability-indicating method for esomeprazole and related degradation products by automated method scouting and mass detection

Instrument Type: LCMS

Demonstrate a streamlined method scouting workflow for the analysis of esomeprazole and related degradation products.

Complementary analysis in a biopharmaceutical research laboratory with a 2D-LC-MS instrument for flexible operation

Instrument Type: LCMS

The application note describes an efficient approach for identity confirmation of protein-based impurities of a therapeutic protein by multi heart-cut 2D-LC-MS in a top-down experiment. In addition the Thermo Scientific™ Simple Switch™ technology enables the instrument to be used in multi heart-cut 2D-LC-MS, 1D-LC-MS, or Dual 1D-LC mode for the most flexible equipment and lab space utilization and maximum MS productivity.

Increase sensitivity in UHPLC-MS analysis by minimizing post-column dispersion

Instrument Type: LCMS

Reduce post-column dispersion with small ID capillaries for fast gradient UHPLC-MS methods using sub-2 μm particle next-generation columns