The performance of the easy-to-use, compact ion chromatography system for the analysis of alkali and alkaline earth cations as well as ammonium in drinking and environmental water was demonstrated.
Sodium bicarbonate, or sodium hydrogen carbonate, is used in a wide variety of pharmaceutical and food products, and ammonia is one of the impurities that is assayed. In this application proof note, the performance of the easy-to-use, compact Thermo Scientific Dionex Inuvion ion chromatography system was evaluated for this application.
Pesticide contamination in food as a potential health risk is a growing public concern, resulting in increased interest and attention by health researchers and regulatory agencies. The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™CS21-Fast-4µm column selected for this method, was optimized to fully resolve paraquat from diquat. In this application, a targeted screening method is demonstrated for cationic polar pesticides in oat cereals using the IonPac CS21-Fast-4µm column, the Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system combined with the Thermo Scientific™ ISQ EC™ single quadrupole mass spectrometer.
Tromethamine is commonly used as a buffering agent, alkalizer, and emulsifying agent in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations, and as a counterion for acidic drug substances. This work describes an IC method that uses a Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS20 cation exchange column, electrolytically generated MSA eluent, and suppressed conductivity detection to determine tromethamine in pharmaceutical formulations.
This record has QAR conditions and results for the 2 mm Dionex IonPac CS19-4µm column. The column must be pre-conditioned offline with acetonitrile and methanesulfonic acid (MSA). See instructions in the column manual (attached). The column is optimized for small, hydrophilic amines such as ethanolamines, methylamines, ethylamines, as well as the biogenic amines.