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Confident analysis of ultra-trace pesticides residues in baby food using triple quadrupole GC-MS

Instrument Type: GCMSMS

The aim of this application note is to demonstrate the performance of the Thermo Scientific™ TSQ™ 9610 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to the Thermo Scientific™ TRACE™ 1610 GC equipped with programmable temperature vaporizing injector (PTV) for the determination of trace level pesticide residues in baby food.

Simultaneous screening and quantification of pesticide residues in potato using GC-Orbitrap MS

Instrument Type: GCMS

This work aimed to develop and validate an analytical method for simultaneous screening and quantification of pesticide residues in potato by using the QuEChERS extraction method in combination with the Thermo Scientific™ Exactive™ GC Orbitrap™ GC-MS system operated in full scan mode. The data acquisition and processing were carried out by using Thermo Scientific™ TraceFinder™ software. The optimized method was validated as per the SANTE/12682/2019 guidelines.

Trace level quantitation of pesticide residues in leafy vegetables using LC-MS/MS

Instrument Type: LCMSMS

Optimization and validation of a multi-residue LC-MS/MS method for pesticides in spinach and cabbage by using Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC and TSQ Quantis mass spectrometer. Sample preparation was performed using QuEChERS method that provided high recoveries for an extensive scope of pesticides in several simple steps. Data acquisition and processing were carried out using Thermo Scientific TraceFinder software. The optimized method was validated as per the SANTE guideline and applied to real samples demonstrating that the workflow is fit for purpose.

Ultra low level quantification of pesticides in baby foods using an advanced triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS system

Instrument Type: GCMSMS

In this study, the quantitative performance of the Thermo Scientific™ TSQ™ 9000 triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS system was assessed for the analysis of more than 200 pesticides in baby food at ultra low concentrations (as low as 0.025 μg/kg).

Trace analysis of pharmaceuticals and organic contaminants in water

Instrument Type: LCMSMS

We present the reliable and accurate quantitative analysis of contaminants at the pg/mL level in drinking water using the Thermo Scientific EQuan MAX Plus LC-MS system coupled to the Thermo Scientific TSQ Endura triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Excellent reproducibility was shown for the target compounds in tap water using 1 mL injections at 0.37× maximum effluent concentration.