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Dionex IonPac ICE AS6 Column Performance Test Using its QAR Method

Instrument Type: IC

Before running any samples, Thermo Scientific recommends that you first confirm the performance of the column by reproducing the lot validation report chromatogram shipped with column.Compare your results with the one reported in the quality assurance report. At least three injections should be made. This record provides an eWorkflow for executing the QAR method on an ICS-5000 system.<enter final 90 characters of description>

AN71410: Ion Chromatography: A Versatile Technique for the Analysis of Beer (Part D: Organic Acid Analysis)

Instrument Type: IC

This application note describes the use of ion-exchange or ion-exclusion chromatography for the determination of five classes of compounds of interest to the brewing industry, including: carbohydrates, alcohols, organic acids, inorganic anions, and inorganic cations. One of two forms of electrochemical detection is used, pulsed amperometry or conductivity detection. This part of the application note describes organic acid analysis which uses conductivity detection. This was formerly Dionex AN46.

Fast isocratic separation of glycolic and related acids

Instrument Type: HPLC

The Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied for the analysis of glycolic and related acids. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim Organic Acid (OA) column, with UV detection at 210 nm.

Fast analysis of organic acids in white wine on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim Organic Acid (OA) column

Instrument Type: HPLC

The Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied for the analysis of organic acids in white wine. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim Organic Acid (OA) column, with UV detection at 210 nm. The samples were prepared using Thermo Scientific Dionex OnGuard II P SPE cartridges.

Improved analysis of organic acids using a Thermo Scientific Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 and a Thermo Scientific Organic Acid column

Instrument Type: HPLC

The Thermo Scientific Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 and Organic Acid columns are compared for the analysis of organic acids, with UV detection at 210nm. The unique chemistry of the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column cleanly separates compound which are challenging to separate using reversed-phase columns.