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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: hydroxymethylfurfural
AN270: Determination of Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in Honey and Biomass
Instrument Type: ICThis work describes a high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE-PAD)-based method for the determination of HMF in samples ranging from food to treated biomass. A Dionex ICS-3000 system with a CarboPac PA1 column, electrolytically generated hydroxide eluent, and electrochemical detection with disposable Au-on-polytetrafluoroethylene working electrodes are used. The Dionex CarboPac PA1 is a high-capacity, rugged column suitable for determining mono- and disaccharides, and has high resolution for HMF in a wide variety of matrices.
Concentration of patulin and hydroxymethylfurfural in apple juice using in-line SPE
Instrument Type: HPLCPatulin and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) are both weakly hydrophobic, neutral compounds, and co-elute on many reversed-phase columns. Fruit juice is a complex matrix, so some form of sample cleanup is necessary. In this work, in-line solid phase extraction is performed. The Thermo Scientific Acclaim Mixed-Mode WCX-1 permits organic acids and phenolics to wash out by ion exclusion well ahead of the HMF and patulin (which co-elute on this column). The auxiliary valve transfers the analytes to the Acclaim C30 column that provides excellent resolution of these two substances.